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Our Parasitic New Elite Despises the Working Class. Culture Wars & The Decline of the West.
Paul Embery -- Despised: Why the Left Loathes the Working Class
The West’s Struggle With Reality
Are The New Cultural Elite Destroying The West? | Professor Doug Stokes
Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class -- Julie Burchill
"Academic Agent": Power Lies with Organised Minorities NOT Majorities, who are disorganised
Carl Benjamin: Progressive Elites - The "Parasitic Entity" Controlling British Politics
Civil Service Captured by Woke Ideology. Impartiality a Myth as "Culture of Fear" takes hold.
Doug Stokes on decolonial theory and free speech on campus
Professor & Author Doug Stokes discusses cancel culture in British academia & the rise of wokeness
Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West | by Dr. Sebastian Ostritsch
Who are the new elite? Part 2